First Accommodation Options at the Tower

News 12 1

Apartment House & Camping at Montenegro Tower

We are happy to announce that you can now spend the night at or very near the Montenegro Tower! The first option right in front of our entrance is the Kuća Lišća Apartment house with five available rooms. For those who like to stay in the nature, you can make use of our new temporary camping area. Check out this post for more details and rates for both options.

Apartment house “Kuća Lišća”

For those who would like to stay right at the Tower with some great terrace views, look no further than the Kuća Lišća. They offer four double rooms for 50€ per night and the penthouse on the top floor with two double bedrooms for 80€. Each unit has a small kitchen, bathroom and balcony with amazing sunset views over the sea. Note that they have a two-night minimum stay. If you are interested in renting it out, get in touch with us and we will hook you up with the manager!

Camping Area

For those who prefer to stay in the nature, we now also offer a small camping area at the back side of the property. This secluded area is far from the Bars and surrounded by trees, offering a lot of shade during the day. As of now, we only have a camping shower and toilets in our bars, but for next year we plan to add proper showers and toilets in this area as well together with a swimming pool nearby.

But since we received a lot of requests about basic camping, you will now be able to use the space already. If you bring your own tent, we charge 5€ per night and if you would like to borrow one of our tents (three 1 person and one 2 person tents are available), we are sharing 10€ per night. Get in touch with us for a direct booking or have a look at our listing.

Outlook & TripAdvisor reviews

Of course we are planning to offer some proper accommodation in wooden cabins as well in the future. In the best case scenario, this will happen for the summer season of 2025, in a more realistic scenario we plan to have the first cabins finished for 2026. You can check out some of the planned designs below 🙂 Also note that there are plenty of more options in Dubrava/Dobra Voda, we can also hook you up with some hotels right at the beach if you prefer that option.

PS: for those who already been to the Tower and can comment on the ambiance, views etc – feel free to leave us a review on our new TripAdvisor profile as well!

Montenegro Tower Accommodation plans for the future
Montenegro Tower Accommodation plans for the future

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